Alcohol-related deaths in East Dunbartonshire rise to their second highest ever level, sitting almost 2.5 times higher than the death rate 10 years ago

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(Picture: Adobe Stock)
Alcohol-related deaths in East Dunbartonshire rose to their second highest rate ever last year.

And that figure is almost two-and-a-half times the level of 10 years ago.

Twenty-four people died of alcohol-related deaths last year, an increase of nine from the year before (15). The 2012 level of such deaths was just 10.

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And the death toll here is in line with national statistics, with the national figure at the highest level in 14 years.

Findings from the National Records of Scotland found the number of people in Scotland whose death was caused by alcohol in 2022 to be 1276.

This was 31 (two per cent) more than the previous year, which was the highest number since 2008.

Male deaths - which were unchanged at 836 – but female deaths increased by 31 to 440.

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The NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde health board area - the largest in the country - recorded the highest number of deaths with 326, followed by NHS Lanarkshire with 200 and NHS Lothian - which includes Edinburgh - with 153.

The majority of deaths logged alcoholic liver disease as an underlying cause of death - 778 in total.

Drugs and alcohol policy minister Elena Whitham said more work is required to reduce alcohol-related harm.

She said: "Every life lost is a tragedy and my sympathy goes to all those affected by the loss of a loved one through alcohol.

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"While we will need to better understand the reasons for this

increase in deaths, I will do all I can to reduce alcohol-related harm.

"We will continue to work closely with Alcohol and Drug Partnerships (ADPs) and the third sector to address this public health priority, backed by substantial investment."

In May 2018, Scotland became the first country in the world to introduce minimum unit pricing (MUP) for alcohol, with the aim to tackle the country's problem with alcohol abuse.

A Scottish government-funded study published in March suggested the scheme's introduction in Scotland has led to fewer alcohol-related deaths compared to England.