Thank you for looking after Clydesdale war memorials

MP David Mundell was delighted to see that Clydesdale is already well represented on the register.MP David Mundell was delighted to see that Clydesdale is already well represented on the register.
MP David Mundell was delighted to see that Clydesdale is already well represented on the register.
Praise has been lavished on professionals and volunteers who, for generations, have cared for Clydesdale’s war memorials.

The positive words came from local MP David Mundell as he helped launch a new UK-wide effort to update the Imperial War Museum (IWM) community memorials website.

He explained that the current national register contained 96,000 war memorials although experts estimate a more accurate achievable total could be nearer 110,000.

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Up to 45 per cent of the existing IWM listings do not contain up-to-date pictures.

David has joined Westminster colleague Damien Moore, MP for Southport, in promoting the initiative which, with public help, could see the important vast IWM free online resource brought up-to-date – with a target of Friday, November 11.

Individuals and groups are being invited to send information and photos on unlisted memorials to or emailing

David said: “I was pleased to support this initiative as I know how important these memorials are. I always consider it a great privilege each year to lay a wreath on behalf of my constituents at local war memorials.

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“I commend this effort by the IWM although I can see our part of the country is already well represented on the register.

“This reflects well on all the professionals and volunteers in Clydesdale who have done so much over many decades to look after our memorials of all sizes.”